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Expressionista for Adobe After Effects finally available for download. Expressionista makes it easy for you to inject and manage expressions and scripts across many layers.

It’s a tool I initially developed for myself. Using my background in digital arts, design and animation, I do a lot of the promotional material myself. Doing that I always try to find ways to streamline my process. I had this idea for a smart tool that would help me inject expressions on many layers in a smart way. I then took it one step further by making it possible to also manage the expressions. For example, also clearing and toggling the active expressions.

A tutorial going through the features. Showing multiple usecases.

You can get it here

Try it out! If you find it useful and have some feedback in how to improve the tool, feel free to reach out.


  • Manga says:

    Thx for making the tool! Would like to try it out but the download link goes to 404

    • mikecl says:

      Hey, sorry for the late reply. The website got a recent update. Just updated the broken links. Try and see if you can download it now.

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